Wednesday, August 12, 2009

required to paint canvas shoes

  1. shoes, which are often in use in paints is usually kind of canvas shoes, even though the nylon fibers (or whatever his name) could also be like children's shoes that I made a slightly different construction techniques with canvas shoes. I will explain on the other time.
  2. paint, paint that is in use usually acrilyc paint art. the cheapest brand you can find in big stores or appliance stores painting. The cheapest prices vary from $30 until $50, dri depends on the quality of the acrylic paint.
  3. Paint brushes, that are used are usually the smallest since the media that we painted this small size, I'm using a size 000 s / d 4, its price varies the most expensive I use the no. 000 until 8 . I use a good and expensive due to better use and durable.
  4. mat a picture, you can create your own from a stick to teriplek beam with a certain slope so nice to see him in (gbrnya not I make), if you want the message also booleh.
  5. varnish Paint Art, there is a liquid and there is a spray, if I use a liquid because it's cheaper than a spray, which costs $30 liquid while the spray could reach $50.
  6. Talent of painting, the difficulty of paint on these shoes because of the small difference at all when we paint on canvas, it takes precision, patience, and patience because if you do not reel in deh head guarantee. I am also selling for headache tablets.
  7. and others, many of which are applicable into this shoe painting depends imagination and our creative resources such as use of spies, glitter etc.
  8. Pencil, before you draw on your shoes should first sketch, to make it more easily. Use a pencil that can disappear when rinsed with water, such as Aquarel.
  9. “welcome to the world of art painted shoes”, hopefully advancing the arts in Indonesia and the more creative artists to be creative because of the creation of this art in many profitable rather than create their own income also increased sales of canvas shoe makers, imagine in the last three months the price of shoes Canvas has gone up two times, I can only ngelus aja chest, thank’s God, to the creative hands of our craftsmen have increased incomes canvas shoes, on the other possible time-do we keroyok'll sell canvas bags already sold in the market but if you do not ride to continues.
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cara melukis sepatu kanvas

Melukis sepatu? saya beberapa bulan ini juga baru dengar, tapi setelah saya telusuri di internet ternyata sepatu lukis sudah sejak lama sekitar tahun 2008, awalnya sih 3 orang anak ITB (Seni Rupa). Tapi sebenarnya jauh sebelum itu saya waktu di SMP sudah pernah nyoba-nyoba (sekitar th. 1986). Tapi waktu itu memang belum ada cat yang cocok kalau pun ada itu teratas pada industri besar, maklum masih SMP jadi untuk cari-cari dan coba-coba belum kepikiran apalagi cat kan lumayan mahal. Awalnya saya kenal sepatu lukis yang ini baru 1 bulan yang lalu, saya di tawari oleh konsumen untuk coba melukis sepatu. Perkenakan juga saya juga bisa design grafis (photoshop, corel draw dan freehand gambar teknik autocad juga boleh). Dari situ saya mulai merintis sendiri usaha ini, tapi saya juga masih menerima jasa lukisnya aja, sekaligus juga saya buka outlet di depok numpang sama rental komputer di depok (jl. merawan 1 no. 9 depok Timur), maklum nggak punya modal.
Oke deh perkenalan nya cukup dulu ntar kalau ada yang mau taya-tanya silahkan……
Yang perlu diperhatikan dalam melukis sepatu lukis, sbb:
1. Punya bakat seni lukis (artis) di atas rata-rata kalo hasil mau bagus,
2. telaten, sabar, teliti, ini dikarenakan ukuran medianya yang kecil agak sulit memang dan butuh waktu lama tergantung kesulitan desain. dan jam terbangnya, tapi kalo yang punya bakat saya kira akan lebih cepat belajar dan menyesuaikan diri.
berikut akan saya berikut sedikit tentang bagaimana melukis sepatu kanvas.
apa aja sih yang dibutuhkan dalam melukis sepatu??
teknik melukis sepatu kanvas
teknik melukis
1. berikan warna dasar sepatu dengan warna bakgroung gambar yang akan di buat, ini untuk menutup pori sepatu yang besar.
2. sketch gambarnya. bisa dengan teknik cutting supaya gambarnya pas tapi perlu disetting gambarnya supaya pas dengan sepatunya. (lama dehhh) tapi buat permulaan its oke.
3. mulai deh sapukan kuasnya. perhatian jangan menggunakan spidol untuk melukis gunakan kuas, gunakan kuas, gunakan kuas.
4. terus berlatih dan terus berlatih

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How to order

How to determine the shoe size
Our products are made in Indonesia so for the original shoe size is different with foreign products. For that we build the table size to facilitate the election of soles of shoes numbers, so there were no errors in ordering.
Shoes Number cm Inch
26 18 7.346
27 18,5 7.550
28 19 7.755
29 19,5 7.959
30 20 8.163
31 20,5 8.367
32 21 18
33 21,5 8.776
34 22 8.981
35 22,5 9.184
36 23 9.388
37 24,5 10
38 25 10.204
39 25,5 10.408
40 26 10.612
41 26,5 10.816
42 27,5 11.225
43 28,5 11.633

Rp. 200.000,- (for all model and designs)
Merk sepatu adalah PX-Style, santica, baguza, dan lainnya yang dapat dilukis.above price does not include postage, which will be tailored to regional and country of buyer.

How to Order:
  1. Leave a comment / your order through our website and
  2. send us a message by email to
  3. via telephone number 021-99941399 or sms: 08571467511; 085888923991
Payment Method
please select one of them, we will contact after the reservation, to be in transfer payments through our account a / n Handoko Aji (Bank Mandiri cab east depok no rek. 157-00-0114095-4, and a / n Handoko Aji (Bank BCA) cab. depok east of no. rek. 6610398314. after settlement (money dpnya) in our KABARIN transfer to Aji (99,941,399), later on shoes will be sent via tiki JNE, shipping shoes all over the island in Indonesia that are listed in a tiki JNE
Old workmanship.

  1. Our workmanship will carry the day after we receive money transfers (Be sure to confirm via sms when they transfer). completed, if the order Our management will let you know the completion time. 
  2. after the shoe is completed we will let you know via email or sms. 
  3. For shipments by tiki takes min. 2-3 days.  
  4. For the 100% payment can be used, either unit or resellers. please be advised. 
  5. Because of the many interests painting shoes and loads more orders
I expect the patience of its customers, customer first ordering them first course which was completed I will then which will confirm the time of completion deadlines set in accordance please be advised there is another customer.
We also accept orders request aja picture what the home does not contain elements of pornography and sara. please do not be stingy yes his file. 

  1. If there is a shoe-making process related errors with our work, we will either replace or revise improve it, for our postage costs responsibilities. 
  2. If the error from the buyer the responsibility it self.  
  3. to minimize the errors before the goods we will send to your email, When You're okay (acc) confirmation by sms just let ya Our new fast goods.
Okay that's all I can to convey more information, please contact me either through sms or phone directly through the three numbers above.
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tentang custom painting

Tentang Sepatu Lukis

Beberapa model sepatu kanvas yg kami lukis :
– Model Flat untuk cewek tersedia dari nomor : 34 sd 40
– Model Bertali untuk cewek , ukuran : 35 sd 40
– Model Vans untuk cewek/cowok ukuran : 37 sd 42
– Model Tali Kanvas dengan penutup karet dibagian depan Model Cewek/cowok

Ukuran sepatu :
Berdasarkan penggunaan, ukuran sepatu yang kami lukis berukuran lebih besar dibanding ukuran normal.
Misal kamu biasa pakai ukuran 36, maka kemungkinan yang cocok dengan kakimu adalah nomor 35.
Sebaiknya ukur dulu panjang telapak kaki kamu dan infokan ke kami untuk dicari ukuran yg sesuai.
Kamu bisa pilih/pesan desain lukisan :
* Desain kartun, figur tokoh komik, film dll.
* Desain Abstrak, kubisme
* Desain Natural ( flora, fauna, manusia ) dll.
bagaimana melukisnya:
* Sebelumnya sepatu diberi cat dasar agar menutup pori kanvas, sehingga mudah dilukis.
* Tunggu sampai cat nya benar-benar kering.
* Dibuatkan sketsa dengan pensil ( kalau kamu mau coba dan sudah jago langsung saja di media sepatu ).
* Baru dilakukan pengecatan sesuai desain.
* Untuk mendapatkan hasil yang maksimal dan warna Cat tidak turun (pudar) kami menggunakan painting oil (acrylic), karena menurut pengalaman kami kalau menggunakan air warna tidak sebagus dengan menggunakan medium painting oil. buktikan kualitas kami lebih ok dengan harga yang tidak mencekik kantong tentunya.
Sementara ini kami masih menggunakan cat import untuk mempertahankan kualitas.

Perawatan sepatu :
Meskipun tahan luntur namun agar warna tidak cepat pudar sebaiknya kamu melakukan perawatan dengan benar :
* Gunakan air sabun/detergen, lap kepermukaan yg kotor . Karena permukaan acrilyc licin, biasanya pembersihan dapat dilakukan dengan mudah.
* Segera dijemur/dikeringkan jika sepatu kamu basah/lembab agar terhindar dari jamur dan cat rusak.
* Jika tidak dipakai masukkan dalam kantong kemasan, simpan ditempat kering.

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