Complete data
Name: Handoko Aji Temp. Date. Born: Jakarta, March 7, 1974 Sex: Male Marital Status: Married Occupation: Artist, Online Marketing, Trader Address: Jl. Merawan 1 No. 9 East Depok Telephone: 021-99941399 Mobile: 085714675711
Work Experience Almost 10 years have worked in the Contractor part Drafter (draftsman). Then five years active in the Sablon (oil base). Later became a painter of shoes that has not so much experience.
Talent and Expertise
Computers: microsof windows, coreldraw, photoshop, internet marketing, AutoCAD.
Paint I am more inclined to paint all kinds of products because the product is dipergunaka by any person while painting on canvas mere room decoration and accessories.
Pearl said "Make your life is beneficial for the people" "Alms save your life" "Learn and keep learning, whatever you want can be achieved only by learning"
Workshop Workshop I was at my parents house, second floor that is not too large-kara about 3 x 3 m, accompanied seoarang friend who helped work on the production.
1. Create a factory painting (handicraft in general), the largest in Indonesia.
2. Creating job opportunities as much as possible.
3. Anything that can help society in general.
Perhaps this is only a little introduction from me, I really did not talk much and is still difficult to get the words out, even before my very quiet person but kalodi working order can forget to eat.
for ordering information can be found on page Booking.
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Handoko Aji
Handoko Aji